Tuesday’s reality TV nightmare was a horrible debacle that resulted in the most disastrous and abhorrent debate in modern American history. The debate had shed any sign of hope for civility in the upcoming election, leaving viewers utterly disappointed. In the immediate reaction following the debate, CNN’s Jake Tapper elucidated the night perfectly.
“That was a hot mess inside a dumpster fire inside a train wreck. That was the worst debate I have ever seen, in fact it wasn’t even a debate. It was a disgrace,” Tapper said.
People around the world tuned in to watch, what was supposed to be, an instrumental debate about legislation meant to formally present the two candidates running to lead the free world. Instead, viewers ended the night in horror, turning to Twitter and other social media platforms to capture their reactions.
“Chris Wallace’s debate performance tonight is a great reminder that kindergarten teachers are underpaid,” tweeted Daily Show host, Trevor Noah.
While spitefully spitting vicious attacks about “the radical left” and sophomorically eviscerating progressive ideologies, President Donald Trump left no stone unturned as he set fire to the integrity of the Oval Office, and in doing so, lost his opportunity to win over key voters needed for his reelection. His refusal to guarantee a peaceful transition of power, disrespect of former Vice President Joe Biden’s son Beau Biden, and his remarks to “stand back and stand by” towards the white supremacist far-right neo-facist group, Proud Boys, has perceived pernicious attacks by the media and even disapproval by the G.O.P.
Proud Boys merchandise, designed with President Trump’s ‘stand back and stand by,’ pictured being sold on Amazon. Photo Courtesy of Mediaite.
However, the abysmal debate not only signified the loss of the presidential respect that is shown by both parties during an election, but the events that unfolded were particularly despondent for progressive voters. As both sides meticulously engaged in a surly showdown, Biden’s break with the Democratic party’s left wing on popular leftist policies have progressive ideologists seemingly disappointed and frustrated in this election.
The Democratic Party’s left wing is a pillar voting bloc that Mr. Biden needs to secure this November. It seems as if the entire party is united in voting Mr. Trump out, but Biden’s refusal to support popular leftist policies shows an internal struggle within the party to agree on an agenda.
Although the Green New Deal’s co-sponsors and authors, Rep. Alexandria Ocasio-Cortez and Senator Edward Markey, were quick to rush to Biden’s defense afterwards, with Markey tweeting, “We’re going to elect Joe Biden and fight to pass the aggressive climate action which we need,” the night was still a tough loss for the left. Biden’s refusal to accept the progressive ideologies threw the large coalition under the bus, even after they launched their support behind him after Senator Bernie Sanders lost the primary election.
During the debate, Biden disavowed policies favored by progressives including Medicare for All, the Green New Deal, and when asked by moderator Chris Wallace of Fox News if he would pack the Supreme Court, he refused to answer the question. He also refused to answer whether or not he would end the Senate filibuster, which also happens to be popular amongst progressives.
Instead, Biden cited his own plans for the climate crisis and healthcare, including the Biden Green Deal and his own health insurance plan which would include weilding a mandate to expand health coverage to millions of Americans by building on the Affordable Care Act as an alternative to private coverage. After Biden’s appeal, Trump proceeded to turn to Biden and say, “You just lost the radical left.”
Biden’s vehemence is (and should) irritate progressives. His promise to incorporate left-wing ideas to the largely young progressive voting bloc that supported Senator Sanders during the primaries was extirpated nationally on the debate stage. Young progressives understand the significance and the stakes of this election, and they are willing to put their support behind Biden if this means that President Trump would be a one-term president. However, that does not mean that Biden’s reluctance to support progressive policies doesn’t sting, as it is unjust and insulting for him to not give back to the coalition that makes up a significant portion of his reelection strategy.
Senator Bernie Sanders and former Vice President Joe Biden at the Democratic primary debates, pictured in Des Moines, Iowa in January. Photo Courtesy of Tamir Kalifa of the New York Times.
“When you’re doubling down and saying ‘I’m not supporting the issues’ that have created a surge of new Democratic voters in the last four years, that is an affront,” Boston-based Democratic strategist Wilnelia Rivera told the Boston Herald. “What Biden needs to do is speak from a place that drives all of us out [to vote].”
Biden and his campaign must take the progressive voting bloc into account, as this highly ignored conjunction is more than ready to put their support behind him to avoid the alternative. It is time that he embraces at least a few of the ideas that gave Senator Sanders his popularity amongst the youth of this nation.
One of the biggest fears for progressives going into this election is that their voting bloc will be ignored in the next four years, even if the Democratic nominee is elected. Though Biden and the moderate wing of the Democratic establishment may feel apprehension to support progressive ideas, given that President Trump continues to deceitfully paint the moderate candidate as a “radical leftist,” a paramount concern right now is that some leftists may refuse to vote or cast third-party ballots if Biden does not openly support some progressive ideals, a decision that could cost Biden the election and splinter the party.
The exchanges made by the former Vice President at the debate encompass a large sense of what the next four years will look like if Mr. Biden does win, and how the struggle for progressives policies still remains.
Indeed the stakes are high for this election. And though Biden may refuse to accept this fact on the debate stage, the progessive left wing of the Democratic party is a key vessel to his campaign. Though the future of the next presidential debates are unknown now that President Trump has contracted the coronavirus, this debate was a jolting loss to progressives, and a reminder that their ideologies are still not embraced by the Democratic establishment. Biden must openly support and advocate for left-wing policies like the Green New Deal and Medicare For All if he wants to make up for the loss he incited on progressives during the debate.