What the Green Party Is Doing Wrong
On Nov. 1, 2024, a coalition of European Green parties called for Green Party candidate Jill Stein to drop out of the U.S. presidential race and…
Welcome to the Zeitgeist, the NYU Politics Society’s undergraduate opinion publication dedicated to providing a platform for students to learn about and engage with politics and current events.
On Nov. 1, 2024, a coalition of European Green parties called for Green Party candidate Jill Stein to drop out of the U.S. presidential race and…
Despite scientists having proved that the Earth’s temperature is rising and contributing to extreme natural disasters, some Americans continue to sweep the issue of climate change…
Very little seems certain regarding Election Day 2024. Speculation over whether polls will be biased — and, if so, towards which party — has flooded commentary…
While it has been consistently reported that Biden has been frustrated with and privately disparages Israeli Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu, in actuality, he has applied little…
In early 2023, Christiano Ronaldo introduced himself to a packed stadium of soccer fans chanting his name, nothing new for one of soccer’s all-time greats who…
As the challenge of garnering the youth vote becomes more relevant in the American electoral landscape, both the Democratic Party and the GOP have employed politically…
Election day is coming up, and too many New Yorkers won't head to the polls because they believe their vote is meaningless. The common misconception is…
On Sept. 30, 2024, California Governor Gavin Newsom signed Assembly Bill No. 1780, which effectively banned legacy and donor preferences in all California universities, public and…
Florida’s recent Hurricane Helene has devastated the agricultural industry in western North Carolina. In particular, local farmers are facing more of the brunt of the natural…
On June 25, 2013, in the case of Shelby County v. Holder, the U.S. Supreme Court overturned one of the core provisions of the Voting Rights…